Monday 22 November 2010

Who or What is God?

Most of us have heard of God. Some claim to believe in Him or Her, some not to. A few will sacrifice their lives for God. Me, to be honest I’m something of an Agnostic: show me God please.

Yet that is a discussion for later. Others are Atheists who argue that there cannot be any God.
Christians, Moslems and similar faiths believe in God. The Romans, Ancient Greeks and others prayed to a whole host of gods. The ancient Egyptians once believed in Ra, the sun god. They also revered Isis the moon goddess. At least you can see the sun and the moon. You can feel the warmth of the sun. In a way the sun is a good choice for a god because we know that without it there would be no life on Earth. Sticking with the Egyptians (fairly randomly), they also had an Earth god called Geb and a sky goddess named Nut. All quite logical.

Of course the great limitation of sun gods and the like is that they do not seem to have any sentience, intelligence or special powers. On the other hand the Christian God is variously described as being superhuman, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, eternal, ultimate Goodness, Love and the Creator of all Existence (of which The Universe is a significant part). Plus other qualities and powers which are described elsewhere. Without trying to sound cynical or anything, He or She must therefore (logically) be my first “View” here. Must have the best marketing department too.

It is written that Man was made in God’s image. That implies that Man is an imperfect version of God. It is also said that he sacrificed his son Jesus for us. Being a selfish so and so, what I like most is that He offers us Eternal Life. I gather that is a deferred gratification however. I am open to correction here, but I understand that the payoff comes on Judgement Day.

So who or what is God? Well, most of what I have described and more, I reckon. Some talk of a universal force. The “Star Wars” films had something, with, “May The Force be with you.” Or rather, a Multi-Universal Force! Think Infinite Eternity and then some more. Imagine being outside the Space-Time-Continuum, then keep going. For me, The Big Bang and Evolution fit in nicely as part of The Formula, The Plan. God is Great. All that matters to me, though, all due respect, is that I want Eternal Life.

1 comment:

  1. Apologies for the tight paragraphs folks. The edit just refuses to save spaced or indented paragraphs.
