Wednesday 29 December 2010

Agnosticism, Theism (including Deism) or Atheism: Who is Right?

I think I am an Agnostic. Yet on the Triond Forum it is clear that others are either deeply religious (Theists) or Atheists. Who, if anyone, is right?
I reckon I am an Agnostic. Some say I am not, but I cannot remember why. Especially after two double whiskies lol. Basically I will believe fully in God if someone introduces me to Him (or Her!). Or, if someone acts as a witness should God suddenly make an appearance. As for Jesus actually being the son of God, I’m open to offers. I do prefer the old Testament to be honest. God and Jesus could of course be aliens: I’m all for life in space, as all my friends know.

Agnosticism for me
I was brought up in a scientific age. Yes, we even had Science in the 1950s! We were taught to be rational and test out all our theories. Rationality is something I achieve occasionally. Prove to me that God exists and I am happy. The Darwinian “Deists” have tried but...

Deeply religious Theists
At least one of my friends is a Born Again Christian. Something about Christ flowing into him and making him explode with joy! Better not say too much about this. Sorry, I have to be sceptical. It must be wonderful to be so certain about such things. “Theism” includes all sorts of religions: Christianity, Islam, not certain about the others. God (of some sort) says what is Good, and off you go. Simples. Some say the Universe is so wonderful that it Must be created by God.

Atheists unite
My mate Rob Stoakes says he is an Atheist. He will be chuffed at being mentioned here. He says I just sit on the fence. The universe is clearly all an accident, he insists. Everything operates by the laws of Science, logically. Yet how can any Atheist be so sure? How can anyone disprove the existence of God?

What I think
Sorry for being unChristian but all I can ask, is what’s in it for me? The Atheist view seems rather negative. I cannot think of anything the Atheists are offering me. At least all the Theists say I might have immortal life. The Agnostics argue that immortality might be “discovered”, one way or another. What gets me is that these Theists and Atheists can be so Certain...I remain Open Minded, and open Hearted!

With Thanks to Bill M Tracer for explaining Theism\Deism to me, and Kim Therapist (Arvin) for her tolerant support.

Tags: Religion, Christianity, Theism, Deism, Atheism, Agnostic, belief

PS 13\8\14 - Something to believe in? This -

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